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 personal TRAINING 


TIGHT BODY BOOT CAMP™ (TIGHT) focuses on your lifestyle, both past and present, your medical background, and exercise and dietary habits. Whether you haven’t exercised for years, are just getting started, looking for new ways to improve your physique, or a seasoned enthusiast, TIGHT will work with you at your level, setting goals along the way.
Each program is custom fit for you.

Sport-Specific Training


Are you looking to get an edge, or improve your skills? Sport specific programs are available for soccer, wrestling, football, baseball, swimming, triathlon and marathon participants. TIGHT will formulate a program based on your sport.

An in-depth questionnaire, and other forms, must be filled out prior to any training program set-up. An analysis of your lifestyle habits, fitness level, and health can take up to two weeks. Front, back, and side photos are required. Females: In a two piece swimsuit, or a sports bra and short shorts. Males: Wear a short pair of shorts.


15 TRAINING SESSIONS PACKAGE - $1125.00 ($75.00/session)       
15 training sessions
2 body assessments – 1 at start, 1 at end of sessions
General cardiovascular workout plan
General dietary guidelines

10 TRAINING SESSIONS PACKAGE - $850.00 ($85.00/session)       
10 training sessions
2 body assessments – 1 at start, 1 at end of sessions
General cardiovascular workout plan
General dietary guidelines

5 TRAINING SESSIONS PACKAGE - $475.00 ($95.00/session)        
5 training sessions
1 body assessment
General cardiovascular workout plan
General dietary guidelines

MINIMAL PACKAGE ($160.00)       
1 training session
1 body assessment
General cardiovascular workout plan
General dietary guidelines

1 TRAINING SESSION (1 Hour - $100.00)       

This is for most athletes.


1 TRAINING SESSION ELITE (1 Hour - $200.00) 

This is for Elite Performance or Warrior athletes.
Pre-requisite: Advanced Fitness Assessment


             ONLINE TRAINING               

Whether you are you a beginner, weekend warrior, fitness enthusiast, or competitor, you’ll find TIGHT BODY BOOT CAMP’s (TIGHT's) customized training plans will help you reach your goals, and take you to the next level.

Training is for real people, living real lives. I know you moms are out there; I’m a mother, too. I’m the proud mom of six wonderful children. I’ve been in the health and fitness industry since 1981. It was not until after having my sixth child that I began competing. You heard me right: after my sixth child. There are no excuses! Failure is not an option!

Training includes both your cardiovascular, as well as, weight training, for a month. This training, alongside a sound nutritional program, and upbeat state of mind, will bring you the results you not only hope for, but deserve after working so hard.

When you set yourself up in all four categories, make your health a priority, you cannot go wrong. Expect results. Your results are the sum total of your commitment. You and you only, can determine the outcome. A detailed questionnaire and recent photos (front, side, and back), will need to be submitted.


Females: In a two piece swimsuit, or a sports bra and short shorts. Males: Wear a short pair of shorts.



Includes a no-charge Questionnaire       


Online Training Action Plan

TIGHT takes an in-depth look at your lifestyle, past history, current status, and then sets goals for further success.

TIGHT will
Create an action plan that’s applicable to you, your circumstances, and motivation level.
Take a close look at your dietary habits, make changes in stages to suit your needs, and chart your personal progress.

For what purpose would one look into a Nutrition and Weight Management Program?


When you

  • Are training hard, and not getting the results you’d like.

  • Are not satisfied with your current eating habits.

  • Feel run down and easily tire.

  • Suffer from recurrent illnesses.

  • Know you could be doing something better for yourself but don’t know where to start.


You will find that your online plans will last well over a month. In fact, e-mail me, and I'll teach you how to tweak your plans yourself, and keep your physique running at a challenging pace. You can expect to build or reduce, shape, and tone, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.


This is ideal for folks who have not the time nor means to hire a personal trainer, but want all the benefits they can offer in a program. It does require self-discipline. You could go the buddy system, or find what works for you.


Plans are designed for the environment you will be training in:

  • Gym

  • Home

  • Garage

  • Outdoors

  • While on assignment, etc.

  • Traveling






An in-depth questionnaire, and other forms, must be filled out prior to program set-up.

An analysis of your lifestyle habits, fitness level, and health can take up to two weeks.

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