Apparel that flatters every size and shape.....
TIGHT did an apparel shoot recently, and I'm SO excited to get items up on the site for you!!!! I just need to finish a few things like the sizing charts, and get a couple pages made....
There will be:
- Men's T-shirts - Ladies Tanks - Hats - Hoodies
- Booty Shorts and - Tube Socks!!!
The shirts and tanks are made by Next Level Apparel, so they will not loose their shape, the fit stays the same, and they stay as soft as ever!
I've attached a few pics as teasers for you.....
by my wonderful models!!!! Give them a high five for rocking it, when you see them in your neck of the woods. The men’s shirts are in a later pic, cause, well,
The pic speaks for itself..... these men ROCK! Nice hats, right? Lol!!!!
All the images in this letter are raw, no edits.
I also threw in a pic for you of yours truly, hahaha! Yep, why not? Fifty-two years young and I needed to get shots for a sponsor, anyway. Ladies and Gents whether it's you or anyone you know who has excuses for not having a physique they are happy with.... have them get in touch with me. Life is to short to be constantly thinking about a goal, but never reaching it. Just DO IT!
Now, here's a link that will motivate you (if the models haven't already): watch?v=3k6PXk23zSY
My son did a 19 hour (straight) training session this last weekend, as part of his training for wrestling. For you Spec Op guys who started with me (Military Intel, as well), you will surely appreciate what these 15 year olds went about. It is sure to bring back memories..... haha! Remember, when you swore at me thinking I couldn't hear you? Then a few weeks later, you swore to make sure I would hear you? Hahaha! LMBO!!!
My, how times have changed. Now you ruck and perform with 60-75 lbs. minimum, and look forward to the challenge of it. You have turned from boys to men, and each of you is AWESOME!!!!!!
Thank you for your service, and thank you for the privilege of having been a part of your training.
Now, for the rest of the folks who find it hard to drag your ass out of bed, whine about it being too early in the morning to train, or too late, or, or, and groan at the weight vest I so kindly help you put on, hahaha!, you are sure to buck up after watching these kids.
Remember, it's those nasty filters that feed your excuses, that sink your boat before it ever reaches the water, and sends one to an early grave. These kids knew what was coming, especially my son, and kept an open mind, if they hadn't they would not have made it.
Listen to the things you say to yourself. Expect criticism from your trainer, and learn to improve your self, your attitude, your manners, your self-discipline. Be true to yourself, your values, and hold yourself accountable for everything in your life. You can surely do anything you put your mind to.
Also, remember, no one gets to the top without taking someone else, or many others along. Success and failure are tools. Both serve a purpose, and both are beckoning to teach you something new each day. Are you paying attention?
I love each and every one of you.
Love yourself.
Now, get to work.