Success vs. Struggle

Today’s topic is depicted in the graphic above:
When one is ‘thinking’ subconsciously, it isn’t really thinking at all, it’s life on ‘auto-pilot’, and as such that one can only expect the same outcomes as previously experienced because the subconscious cannot create, rather it uses old thought patterns as a ‘go-to’, a crutch, if you will. This is why when a person is fatigued, ill, rushed, stressed, fearful, not feeding the body properly etc., they fall back into ‘old’ ways, patterns, habits, attitudes, and distractions as a means to cope.
When one is thinking consciously, they are indeed involved in the creation, planning, and execution of their ideas, goals and dreams. This is the complete opposite of subconscious, or what I refer to as ‘non-conscious’ thinking.
In one scenario the individual becomes the victim of circumstance.
In the other scenario, the individual creates and directs their desired outcome.
Let me explain….
What are you expecting? Are you expecting to succeed or merely hoping? Are you expecting to land that job or waiting to see what happens? Are you expecting a successful marriage or taking it for granted day by day? Are you expecting success with your fitness goals, or basing the success on what happens in 72 hours? All these questions are valid and important.
We've all been there, seriously. We've all experienced a goal we greatly desire to achieve, and despite our best efforts, well-meaning intentions, and burning forever seems to evade us. Look at losing weight. How many people do you know wants, and tried, year after year, to lose weight? They know they need to exercise, have a good idea what they should and should not be eating, do well for a few days or perhaps a week, or maybe even a few months, then it all goes to pot. Why?
This is where it's all at. We think consciously. We act consciously. Well, some of the time. Here's the catch. It's what's in our subconscious that will determine what we think, say, and do when we're on 'auto-pilot'. That's right, autopilot. Don't kid yourself, you're on auto-pilot several times throughout the day. When you're distracted, many times you go on auto. When you're stressed, auto. Emotionally You'll find your subconscious leading you places you really don't want to be, yet it's hard for many to recognize they're no longer thinking for themselves, and well, plans get thwarted, dreams are put aside, relationships suffer, and goals seem forever unachievable.
Anything you can imagine, really. The subconscious is non-objective, it accepts whatever is allowed in, and here's the accepts it as reality. Whatever you heard drilled into your mind as a child, is likely running at full bore. Does this mean we blame our parents? No, it's not that easy. Once upon a time you could blame mom and dad, the teachers, etc., but once you hit 16-18 years old your brain waves change. These changes in brain waves are a natural part of maturing and cause you to test what you have been taught. It's at this point in life that you must now reckon with what you've been dealt with. If you haven't already, which many of us haven't, you must evaluate what's in the subconscious and either save, or discard. How do you know what's in there? Check out the things you do on auto, say on auto, react on auto, etc., this is your subconscious. Don't like it? Change it.You're the only one who can.
What you've told yourself about yourself is very much alive and living in the subconscious. Pictures, music, relationships, beliefs, and attitudes are stored in here.... as treasures. Only, some are to your disadvantage. Others are to your advantage. YOU must be brave enough to call them forth and deal with them, or they will forever run your life. No joke.
The good news is you can change what goes into your subconscious. To work with your mind on both conscious and subconscious levels, you must use your conscious mind. This is a daunting task at first, as you must be aware of EVERY thought you have and monitor it's origination, then deem it valuable to you or not, before allowing yourself to make a decision. Buy into it or not? Think of the thought as a sales person at your door selling you either a good quality product that's a steal of a deal or a bunch of B.S.
The best time to put new information into your subconscious is just prior to sleep. The state of mind just prior to falling asleep is called 'Alpha'. Alpha is the same state people are brought into within minutes of watching television and movies, hence, each time a person is 'watching', they are also being programmed at the subconscious level. Movie and television producers have known this for a long, long time, and use it to their advantage 24/7. Think of Alpha as the ‘gatekeeper’ to your subconscious. All the more reason to stay 'conscious' of what you're thinking, listening to, reading, watching, etc., and make course corrections as you deem fit.
The tricky part about alpha state is that it's so easy to fall asleep within minutes or even seconds of going into alpha, the way around this is to meditate. Meditation is bringing the body and brain to a state of relaxation, clearing the mental chatter and sinking into thoughts of what it is you desire to achieve. Meditation has been found to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, alleviate depression, and calm anxiety - all of which run rampant in today’s society and lead to disease and discord - meditate daily. Meditation will also bring one to an alpha state and allow them to 'program' themselves.
During the alpha state - take a good 15 minutes or so and not only tell yourself what you expect of yourself, but visualize it as well, and to top it off, add emotion to it. Fall asleep with these positive thoughts, visuals, and emotions and you'll be on a road to success!
success |səkˈses| noun the accomplishment of an aim or purpose : the president had some success in restoring confidence. • the attainment of popularity or profit : the success of his play. • a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity : I must make a success of my business. • archaic the outcome of an undertaking, specified as achieving or failing to achieve its aims : the good or ill success of their maritime enterprises.
This is what you want, yes? Success in reaching your goals?
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